Merging and Migrating, A Validus Client Story

The Challenge:
A Dallas-based company was acquired by a larger corporation headquartered across the country. After acquisition, they realized their existing IT partner would not be able to manage the long and intensive process of integration before them.
Their plan called for a multi-year IT support project—3 years of ongoing, fully integrated IT management while the parent company prepared their systems for managing this large and complex acquired company. This phase would be followed by two years of actual integration project management and migration implementation.
Validus considered it our job to make this intensive process and all its moving parts completely seamless to our end users.
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The Process:

Validus worked with both companies to create a planned and strategic approach to phasing the multi-year engagement. It began with a quick-start staffing plan for the day to day needs of a large outsourced IT function, and also included the sensitive transition from their existing IT service to our Validus team.

Multiple sequenced projects were initiated to ensure the integration went smoothly.  These included: establishing a multi-unit help desk; redesigning infrastructure support; virtualizing systems moving to a data center; and providing ongoing strategic leadership to ensure the current structure supported the pending migration and future corporate growth.

The Outcome:
Merger and Migration Success!

We achieved our primary goal of making the process painless and seamless for the client. Validus helped the parent company build their amazing in-house team that manages their systems and IT support functions.   Today we maintain a great relationship with the newly integrated company at all levels.

Companies merge all the time, but it’s a process with a lot of risk. Validus has managed many IT conversions, transitions and technology migrations. We’re here to help you with your next important move.